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Who Should Purchase

Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, or a fully interactive videoconference. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information about transitional and non-transitional courses, please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Residential Real Estate Closings-ERP220323
Member: $230.00
Non-Member: $460.00
Student: $120.00
Program Date - March 23, 2022
Product ID - ERP220323
CLE Credit
CT: 6.0 CLE Credits (4.0 General; 2.0 Ethics)
NY: 7.0 CLE Credits (5.0 AOP; 2.0 Ethics)
About the Program
This comprehensive residential real estate seminar is designed to take its attendees from the opening of a real estate file through and including post-closing matters. Panelists will explore the intricacies of the closing process. Covered matters include: what to do when you first receive the file, issues surrounding the purchase and sales agreement, title insurance commitments and CPLs, tenancies in title, closing forms, solar panels, bankruptcy, probate, and family law issues. Also included will be an explanation of the title insurance policy including endorsements; new nationwide trends such as remote notarizations and cyber security issues.
Ethics and Professionalism:2.0, General:4.0
Presented by the Real Property Section
You Will Learn
- What to do when you first receive the file
- Automation
- How to work with lenders
- Required closing forms such as: Smoke Detector Affidavit, Property Disclosure form, and Concrete Disclosure form
- Issues surrounding Purchase and Sales Agreements
- How to understand title commitments, CPLs and title insurance options
- Title insurance policies including endorsements
- Estates in Real Estate such as joint tenancy, tenancy in common, life estates, leasehold estates
- Required closing forms such as: Owner’s Affidavit, 1099 Certification, FIRPTA Affidavit
- Solar panels
- Probate issues impacting real estate
- Family matters and bankruptcy issues impacting real estate
- UPL/Ethics
- All things E: E-Ron, E-Closings, E-Notary• Cyber Security Issues
- New Nationwide Trends
- Growth, sale, and distribution of marijuana on real property in Connecticut
Who Should Purchase
Any attorney interested in learning more about residential real estate closings.

Lisa Lugauskas Joshua A. Luksberg
Old Republic National Title First American Title Insurance Company,
Insurance Company, Hartford, CT
Hartford, CT

Jennifer E. Mira Valerie A. Votto
Keily Mira Law, Valerie Ann Votto LLC
West Hartford, CT Old Lyme, CT
The Connecticut Bar Association/CT Bar Institute is an accredited provider of New York State CLE. This program qualifies for transitional and non-transitional CLE credits.
Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, or a fully interactive videoconference. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information about transitional and non-transitional courses, please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Financial hardship information is available upon request.