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Who Should Purchase
Any advocate, regardless of litigation experience, who may be advocating for their clients in the trial court via Teams in the coming months.

Using MSTeams to Advocate for Clients in CTs Judicial Proceedings-ECS200521
Cost -
The Connecticut Superior Court has begun holding pretrials and status conferences virtually using Microsoft Teams, and it is expected that the courts will begin using Teams for arguable matters in the coming months. This webinar demonstrates the Teams video platform that the courts will be using to host those arguments as well as the procedures for participating in those video proceedings. In addition, the speakers provide tips to maximize the effectiveness of your presentation and argument using this new platform.
Members - FREE
Non-Members - FREE
Product ID - ECS200521
Webinar Date - May 21, 2020
CLE Credits -
CT: CLE Credits - 1.5 (General)
About the Program
The Connecticut Superior Court has begun holding pretrials and status conferences virtually using Microsoft Teams, and it is expected that the courts will begin using Teams for arguable matters in the coming months. This webinar demonstrates the Teams video platform that the courts will be using to host those arguments as well as the procedures for participating in those video proceedings. In addition, the speakers provide tips to maximize the effectiveness of your presentation and argument using this new platform.
Presented by the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic Task Force Technology Subcommittee in conjunction with the Cyber Security and Technology Committee
You Will Learn
- How to schedule video proceedings and mark matters over Technical requirements for virtual proceedings via Microsoft Teams
- Court procedures for virtual proceedings via Teams Using Microsoft Teams
- Practice pointers for advocacy in virtual proceedings via Teams
Who Should Purchase
Any advocate, regardless of litigation experience, who may be advocating for their clients in the trial court via Teams in the coming months.
Speakers -

James P. Sexton Aidan R. Welsh
Sexton & Company LLC, Schoonmaker George Colin Blomberg
Hartford Bryniczka & Welsh PC,
Old Greenwich