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Attorneys interested in safe and inclusive school environments for Transgender and Non-Binary students.


Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, a fully interactive videoconference, or simultaneous transmission with synchronous interactivity. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Creating a Safe and Welcoming School Environment - 2024CLC-B03
Cost -
New Title IX regulations and Connecticut guidelines are designed to help schools maintain transgender-inclusive policies including inclusive athletic programs and equal access to restrooms consistent with students’ gender identity. But for transgender and non-binary students, these are not single-issue problems whose solutions make everything ok. Community-based issues, such as book bans, gender-conforming themes, forced outing policies, and other legislation that is sweeping the country, also affect transgender and non-binary students’ lives and mental health. What are considerations in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for transgender and non-binary students in all aspects of their school lives?
Member - $70.00
Student - $0.00
Non-Member - $140.00
Program Date - Monday, June 10, 2024
Product ID - 2024CLC-B03
CT: 2.0 CLE Credit (Ethics)
CT: 2.0 CLE Credit (Ethics)
NY: 2.0 CLE Credit (D&I)
About the Program
New Title IX regulations and Connecticut guidelines are designed to help schools maintain transgender-inclusive policies including inclusive athletic programs and equal access to restrooms consistent with students’ gender identity. But for transgender and non-binary students, these are not single-issue problems whose solutions make everything ok. Community-based issues, such as book bans, gender-conforming themes, forced outing policies, and other legislation that is sweeping the country, also affect transgender and non-binary students’ lives and mental health. What are considerations in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for transgender and non-binary students in all aspects of their school lives?
Ethics and Professionalism:2.0
Presented by the DE&I Committee - The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Track
You Will Learn
- About what all the terms mean and why are inclusive policies so important to the health and well-being of transgender and non-binary students
- About challenges facing transgender youth in schools today
- About the new Title IX regs and Connecticut guidelines
- How school policies are being developed to be supportive without attracting negative attention
- About what is happening in Title IX litigation around the country that affects transgender and non-binary students
Who Should Purchase
Attorneys interested in safe and inclusive school environments for Transgender and Non-Binary students.
Speakers -

Chris Erchull Tony Ferraiolo
LGBTQ Legal Advocates and Defenders, Health Care Advocates International LLC,
Boston, MA Stratford, CT
Danielle (Danny) King
National Center for Lesbian Rights,
San Francisco, CA
Moderator -

Michelle Querijero
Farmington, CT
The Connecticut Bar Association/CT Bar Institute is an accredited provider of New York State CLE. This program qualifies for experienced attorneys CLE credits.
Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, a fully interactive videoconference, or simultaneous transmission with synchronous interactivity. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Courses in package: