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Protecting Immigrant Children from Trafficking-EHT240223
Cost - Free
Program Date - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2024,
Product ID - EHT240223
CLE Credit
CT CLE Credit - 2.0 General
About the Program
The second panel of Awareness Week 2024: “Protecting Immigrant Children: Their Journeys Before and After They Reach the U.S.”
In recent years, the U.S. has seen an influx of unaccompanied children from Central America fleeing violence and extreme poverty in their home countries. For many Americans, it is difficult to understand what circumstances cause a child to leave their home and family behind to journey on their own to a foreign country. This panel seeks to answer this and other questions by providing an in-depth look into the flight of these children away from their countries of origin and their journeys into the U.S.
Content link https://www.ctbarfdn.org/what-we-do/programs/understanding-human-trafficking-series/overview.html
Brought to you by -
The Quinnipiac University School of Law Human Trafficking Prevention Project—along with the Connecticut Bar Association and the Connecticut Bar Foundation
The panel begins by examining the cultural context and conditions of the three Northern Triangle countries—and Guatemala in particular—from which so many children are fleeing. Next, the panel will focus on migrant children’s journey to the U.S. and how they are processed and then resettled after they cross into the U.S. Finally, the panelists will come full circle by describing their struggles to regularize their immigration status in this country while providing insight on pathways for these kids to immigrate legally before they even leave home.
Our panel features attorneys and advocates who work with Central American migrant children and their families:

Lesly Tayes ,Staff Attorney, Emily Norman, Managing Director,
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
International Program

Aniosca Cortina
Unaccompanied Children Program,
Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI)

Tess Reagan, Senior Attorney,
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
- Review: Mario Vargas Llosa's Harsh Times
New York Review of Books
- Addressing the Sex and Gender-Based Violence in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador Fueling the U.S. Border Crisis
by Cory Smith
- 'You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border
New York Times
- A Mother, a Daughter, a Deadly Journey
New York Times Podcast
- What Migrants Face as they Journey Through the Deadly Darien Gap
PBS Newshour
- Women Are Fleeing Death at Home: The U.S. Wants to Keep Them Out
New York Times
- Dreams Detained: Young Migrants and the Families They Leave Behind in Guatemala
Pulitzer Center
- Broken Land: Confronting Climate Change and Migration in Guatemala
Pulitzer Center
- Fleeing rural violence: Mam women seeking gendered justice in Guatemala and the U.S.
by Lynn Stephen
- Office of Refugee Resettlement
Unaccompanied Children Fact Sheet
- A Translation Crisis at the Border
The New Yorker
- Anyone Speak K’iche’ or Mam? Immigration Courts Overwhelmed by Indigenous Languages
New York Times
- Suitable for Children
This American Life podcast - listen to “Act Three,” entitled “The Questionnaire” (based on Valeria Luiselli’s Los Ninos Perdidos)
- What America Looks Like From a Jail in South Texas
New York Times Magazine Opinion