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This program is designed for experienced Residential Real Estate attorneys and paralegals.

The Connecticut Bar Association/CT Bar Institute is an accredited
provider of New York State CLE. This program qualifies for transitional
and non-transitional CLE credits.
Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, or a fully interactive videoconference. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information about transitional and non-transitional courses, please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Advanced Residential Real Estate Closings-ERP221208
Attorneys involved in all aspects of residential real estate transactions will benefit from a better understanding of what is involved in closing a complex residential real estate transaction and will acquire a more thorough understanding of the documents which may be necessary in connection therewith.
Members - $230.00
Non-Member - $460.00
Student - $120.00
Program Date: Thursday, December 8, 2022
Product ID: ERP221208
CLE Credit
CT: 6.0 CLE Credits (5.0 General; 1.0 Ethics)
CT: 6.0 CLE Credits (5.0 General; 1.0 Ethics)
NY: 7.0 CLE Credits (6.0 AOP; 1.0 Ethics)
About the Program
Go beyond the basics and explore real estate closings at an advanced level. This seminar will assist residential real estate practitioners to fully understand the steps and details involved in closing a complex residential real estate transaction. We will provide an overview of the entire real estate closing process, with a focus on advanced real estate issues. In this program, seasoned faculty will explore a variety of real estate issues with concrete tips for successfully navigating past major difficulties, avoiding claims and other pitfalls. This program will teach you the basic principles of real property ownership, tenancies, how title can be conveyed, impaired, lost, and much more.
Attorneys involved in all aspects of residential real estate transactions will benefit from a better understanding of what is involved in closing a complex residential real estate transaction and will acquire a more thorough understanding of the documents which may be necessary in connection therewith.
Ethics and Professionalism:1.0, General:5.0
Presented by the Real Property Section
You Will Learn
- Overview of common purchase and sale agreements in the marketplace today and the Model Residential Real Estate Contract approved by the Real Property Section
- Review common title search errors resulting in claims
- Explore the different types of easements and how they are created, terminated and/or modified
- Marketable Record Title Act and Chain of Title
- Standards of Title and when you have to leave the vault
- Understand what title insurance commitments, policies and endorsements do and do not cover
- Learn how to read and/or draft legal descriptions when compared with surveys
- Voluntary/involuntary transfers such as liens, court decrees – Probate and Foreclosure, and adverse possession
- Bankruptcy
- Troubleshooting Pre-Closing Problems, including the difficult client, lender, realtors, opposing counsel, timing
- Avoid fraud, admissibility and enforceability complications when using e-signatures and electronic contracts
- Review Ethics Challenges that commonly arise in Real Estate Transactions
- Prepare for last-minute and dealing with closing surprises and various issues that can arise
- Dealing with post-closing matters such as recordings, failure to disclose, fraud and misrepresentation
- Mechanics Liens issues
Who Should Purchase
This program is designed for experienced Residential Real Estate attorneys and paralegals.

Elton B. Harvey III Lisa Lugauskas
Isaac Law Offices LLC, Old Republic National Title Insurance Company,
Farmington, CT Hartford, CT

Edward Rosenblatt Valerie A. Votto
Law Offices of Edward M. Rosenblatt, Valerie Ann Votto LLC,
Southington, CT Old Lyme, CT
Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, or a fully interactive videoconference. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information about transitional and non-transitional courses, please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Financial hardship
information is available upon request.