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Who Should Purchase
Any attorney seeking the latest information on IOLTA accounting and guidance on avoiding ethical violations in managing an IOLTA account.

The Connecticut Bar Association/CT Bar Institute is an accredited provider of New York State CLE. This program qualifies for transitional and non-transitional CLE credits.
IOLTA/Law Office Management-EDU221014
Members of the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel and Statewide Bar Counsel along with former members of these offices and current practitioners will provide a comprehensive review of law office management and IOLTA best practices, including: an overview of the Rules of Professional Conduct and changes, major challenges, audits, what disciplinary counsel do, and how to protect/defend against disciplinary action.
Member $110
Student Member $60
Non-Member $220
Program Date: Friday, October 14, 2022
Product ID: EDU221014
CLE Credit
CT: 3.0 CLE Credits (Ethics)
NY: 3.5 CLE Credits (Ethics)
About the Program
Members of the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel and Statewide Bar Counsel along with former members of these offices and current practitioners will provide a comprehensive review of law office management and IOLTA best practices, including: an overview of the Rules of Professional Conduct and changes, major challenges, audits, what disciplinary counsel do, and how to protect/defend against disciplinary action.
Ethics and Professionalism:3.0
Presented by the CT Bar Institute
You Will Learn
- About rule 1.15, record keeping, and reconciliation requirements
- About Practice Book Sec. 2-27 and Practice Book Sec. 2-28
- Best practices in responding to audit requests, including case law overview
- Best practices for risk management, including case law review
- How to protect yourself from and defend against disciplinary actions
Who Should Purchase
Any attorney seeking the latest information on IOLTA accounting and guidance on avoiding ethical violations in managing an IOLTA account.

Karen Damboise Desi Imetovski
Assistant Chief Disciplinary Counsel Sr. Counsel at Kohler Co., former
for the Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel, Assistant Chief Disciplinary Counsel,
Hartford, CT Hartford, CT

Elizabeth Rowe Suzanne B. Sutton
Connecticut Statewide Grievance Committee, Cohen & Wolf PC,
Judicial Branch, Hartford, CT Bridgeport, CT
Attorneys seeking NY CLE credit who have been admitted to the New York State Bar for two years or less must attend the live seminar for skills or ethics credit, or a fully interactive videoconference. Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias CLE credits are only available as non-transitional credits. For further information about transitional and non-transitional courses, please see the NYCourts.gov page on CLE: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/index.shtml.
Courses in package:
Title | Credit Hours | |
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | ||
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 |